Welcome to the Shelton Wrestling Club


We offer Online Registration. You can also request financial assistance from the online registration

DONATE & SPONSOR - We need your support

We are always needing donors to help with overhead costs, insurance and helping with financial assistance

PARENT RESOURCES - Forms and Information

From here you will find additional forms, important information and additional items to help with all your questions

Shelton Wrestling Club "Info"

1.) The season will start on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2024! Practice will be held at the Shelton High School Auxiliary Gym. Mats roll out at 5:10 PM. Warmups start at 530PM sharp! Practices will be Tuesday and Thursday, 530-630 PK-5th and 630-8 6th-12th. 

2.) Registration fee is $80 per wrestler. We do have financial assistance options available, so if you need financial assistance, please indicate that on the registration form and a board member will be in touch. **We don’t currently have a way to discount registration fees for consecutive wrestlers,** but we will not let finances be the reason a child did not wrestle, so again if you need financial assistance please indicate that on the registration form, and a board member will be in touch.

3.) Before registering, all wrestlers must first have a current USA Wrestling membership. If you do not have a current USAW membership, you will need to purchase one through the USAW membership website. You will need a full membership if you plan on doing tournaments, or a limited membership if you would just like to practice. 

Steps to purchasing a USA Wrestling membership :

  1. www.USAWmembership.com and click create new account.

  2. Claim your old profile by clicking claim profiles. (Accounts and profile are different, you can claim multiple profiles under your account i.e your athletes/spouse)

  3. Your dashboard will populate with the profiles you selected


  5. Here you can purchase or renew, click which one you are doing

  6. Click purchase for your athlete

  7. Select membership type (limited or full)

  8. Save and continue to check out

  9. You can add multiple athletes/coaches under your account. Select MEMBERSHIP at the top of the page and repeat the process. This will create one payment for multiple purchases.

4.) Parents are responsible for pre-registering their wrestler(s) for tournaments through www.trackwrestling.com. Entering a tournament by pre-registration is usually less expensive than registering on-site, and some tournaments are pre-registration only.

5.) Facebook is a great tool for communication, but we have a club email that we would like to use for communication with board members. That email is: INFO@SHELTONWRESTLING.COM

6.) For tournaments your wrestler will need wrestling shoes and singlets. Either a reversible one that is red and blue, or two singlets one red and one blue. They can have designs, it just needs to be 60% either red or blue. HEADGEAR OPTIONAL.


6U- Younger than 8U

8U- Born in 2016 or 2017

10U- Born in 2014 or 2015

12U- Born in 2012 or 2013

14U- Born in 2010 or 2011

16U- Born in 2008-2009

USAW Junior- Born 9/1/2004 and after and enrolled in 9-12 grade

Wrestling Gallery Coming Soon !!!